Monday, March 10, 2014

From a Friend.

This I have to admit is not my work (though I wish it was) but rather the work of a dear friend. With his words he helped me through a dark period of my life by basically beating confidence into me and making me realize my own strength. It's crazy what a few simple words can do (and yes I have his permission to put this on here).

"Not many guys that I can think of deserve you. Seriously. It's also about being able to handle you. You're tough, in all kinds of ways (good and bad, in the traditional senses). But what a guy gets in return for being your partner, if he can peer into your soul...that's a lucky guy. And you are tough to handle. Your spirit is like forged steel. You're fierce in every way. That's a good thing. People mess with you at your own expense. You have scars...invisible ones that you should never have to carry. You shouldn't have a reason to smile. You've been wronged and broken and held back and pushed around and taken advantage of. give family another chance, and another, and another. You're unflinchingly loyal. You smile, you laugh, you have fun. You've seen darkness in depths even I can't appreciate and yet you survive and come out even better. None of us are perfect. But're like some wild material that is fragile but absurdly strong and able to reform after the hardest blows."

Inspiring huh? Words have more power than you think. I was a bit hesitant to post this on here, but it was such a beautiful and moving semblance of words that in the end couldn't resist.

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